Twickenham Time Travel True Love Romance!
Twickenham Time Travel True Love Romance!
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Fall into the past and in love with the Victorian Era at Twickenham Manor and meet men of honor who hold titles and money in need of a good woman to guide them into a life of meaning and hope.
Then, step into the past of the old west in The Brides of Birch Creek and fall in love with strong men who are good and wholesome and fight to protect the women they love in an unforgiving wilderness!
Whether you are rooting for strong and independent women with spirit and fire, or more for mild mannered and meek women who need the loving guidance of a strong man, you're sure to find something to love in these clean and wholesome Historical Romances set in the Old West or Victorian England.
Escape into these sweet romance that are sure to leave you with a happy sigh. Buy this incredible bundle of two full series today!
Intro to Chapter One
Intro to Chapter One
Melanie stood and stared down the man
across the table from her. He raised his
hands and waved them in a pacifying
gesture as if that would cancel out his insinuations.
“Come on, baby, don’t get all mad.”
“Don’t call me baby. You don’t even know me.”
Melanie shouldered her purse and turned to walk away,
but the guy grabbed her arm as she stood to keep her
from leaving. Not wanting to cause a huge scene, she
didn’t twist it and lock his elbow like she wanted to.
Instead, she grabbed the full glass of water on the table
and splashed it in his face.
“Don’t touch me ever again. And lose my number.
Got it?”
The guy sputtered but grabbed at her again. “Hey,
that’s not nice.” His voice was deeper and more
menacing than the earlier flirtations. Using her selfdefense training her late father had insisted she take
throughout her high school years, she moved quickly and
grabbed his wrist, pressing it back and forcing his elbow
to bend backward to pin him in place.
“Touching a woman against her will isn’t very nice
either. Don’t do it again.” She jerked up, causing him to
squeak in pain.
“Got it,” he muttered, and she let go. She grabbed
his phone that he’d left on the table, walked it over to a
waitress holding a pitcher to refill water glasses, and
dropped it in.
“I’m helping you lose my number,” she said over her
shoulder. “Grow up and learn some manners.” She
continued out the door without looking back again. He
wasn’t worth another thought.
Melanie was tired of the same-old, same-old. She
couldn’t stand the thought of dating another man that
treated her like an object and expected to get whatever
he wanted by putting in minimal effort. She wanted a real
gentleman. Someone who knew how to treat a woman
like a valuable person and not just a possession.
After flagging down a cab and climbing inside, she
reached into her purse and pulled out the brochure she’d
picked up at the library.
Twickenham Manor
Come experience Regency England in a full immersion
environment. You’ll attend activities just like they did in the early
1800’s, including riding, hunting, dancing, dinners, and games.
Melanie continued reading through it, liking the idea
more and more. Why not? she thought. It’s only for a week,
and I deserve it. I’ve got enough money saved up. I could totally go
on vacation myself. And her boss owed her a lot of time off
since she’d covered for everyone else who’d gone on trips
over Christmas.
By the time she reached her apartment, she’d already
reserved her spot at Twickenham Manor, texted her boss
letting him know she’d be taking her time off, and had
booked a flight.
In less than a month she’d be in England.
Melanie stepped out of the hired car she’d taken
from the airport and stared at the sight in front of her.
The manicured front lawn with trimmed bushes and
gorgeous flower pots filled with incredible colors
produced the perfect setting for the house. The manor
house was incredible. Even bigger than she’d imagined as
she looked over the brochure and perused the website.
The Google maps she’d looked at didn’t do it justice either.
This was perfect. It didn’t matter how much she’d
had to pay to get here, Melanie knew it would be worth
it. She could almost feel it in her soul. A man in old-time
livery ushered her in and led to the front parlor where he
offered tea and biscuits.
Melanie happily enjoyed the refreshments. As she
polished off the third cookie, a cute blonde with an
adorable pixie cut entered as well.
“Hi there,” the other girl said with a cute Southern
accent. “I’m Danielle McIntyre.”
“Melanie Crenshaw,” she replied.
“What brought you here?” the girl asked, talking
slow and smooth as she moved over to the chair across
from her and reached for the cookies.
“Uh…” Melanie said, not sure how to explain her
“Oh, lemme guess. You’re tired of all the fools out
there and wanted a chance to meet a real man, even if it
was just all make believe.”
Melanie blinked and before she could answer,
Danielle giggled. “Me too, honey. Me too. I’m so tired of
it all that I just wanted to get away for a little bit before I
have to go back to the real world and work for my
Melanie smiled. “You know, Danielle, I think I’m
gonna like you.”
Danielle blinked quickly and sighed. “Oh, good. I
usually just go off at the mouth and cause everyone to
roll their eyes at me. But even as a baby, my momma said
I was a chatter box that just wouldn’t take no for an
“Well, I’m not one to talk a lot, but I have no
problem saying what I think. Like minds, maybe. Are you
here for the full week?”
Danielle nodded since she was chewing on a cookie.
Melanie took a sip of her tea, enjoying the light mint
“How many people do you think they have attend
these?” Danielle asked.
“No clue, but from the size of this place, I’d guess
there are a lot. I suppose we’ll have to see.”
Melanie and Danielle continued visiting, and the
more she learned of Danielle, the more her early thought
of liking the girl increased. She was hilarious and
entertaining, perfect to hang out with during the
immersion week. She knew the men here would be hired
actors that would give her a feel of the past. She really
didn’t care. She just wanted a chance to feel like true
gentlemen existed so she could get over her anger at all
the flops she’d dated before. Pretending for a week was
a better alternative than all the dating apps she’d tried.
At least here, she knew how it would all end.
“Hello, my dears,” a voice said from the doorway. “I
see you’ve had a chance to get acquainted. I’m Nellie
Milton, the guardian of Twickenham Manor, and I’m so
glad you’ve come for a visit. Please call me Aunt Nellie.
Everyone does. You must be Danielle and Melanie?”
Melanie nodded. Danielle moved forward and
hugged Nellie. “I’m glad to finally meet you, Aunt Nellie.
My Aunt Shari told me all about you. She came a few
years ago and said you were the most amazing woman
she’d ever met.”
“Ah, I believe I remember Shari. Didn’t she meet
someone here and end up marrying the lucky man?”
“She did,” Danielle giggled. “Uncle Hugo. He’s quite
the character.”
Nellie smiled as if remembering something funny.
“Yes, he was. How are Shari and Hugo? Are they happy
and healthy?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Danielle said. “Been together twenty
years now.”
“So you must have been just a baby when they were
married.” Aunt Nellie looked at Danielle, and the girl
“I was almost two. Don’t remember it at all, though
I have pictures of me as their flower girl.”
“I’ll bet you were just adorable.” Aunt Nellie took a
step to the side of Danielle and turned to face Melanie.
“I am happy you’ve come as well, Melanie. Tell me, how
did you hear of Twickenham?”
“I saw a brochure stuck inside a book I checked out
at the library.”
Nellie smiled. “Let me guess, a Regency romance?
Jane Austen, perhaps.”
Melanie smiled. “Pride and Prejudice.”
“Ah, gotta love Mr. Darcy,” Aunt Nellie said. “Many
think there are no men who can compare to him, but I
have a little secret. I’ve met hundreds of them. And they
are all just as good as or better than our Mr. Darcy.
Maybe, you’ll be lucky enough to meet one of your own.”
“Oh, I didn’t come here to find a man,” Melanie
“Of course not, dear.” Aunt Nellie said, nodding
along. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Do me a
favor, hmmm? Go into this week with your heart and
mind open. Just live it. Enjoy every moment. When it’s
all over, you’ll be free to return home to your normal life
and live it as you see fit, or you might discover something
wonderful waiting out there for you.”
“Ooh,” Danielle said. “I just got a cold chill. I hope
I meet my prince charming.”
Aunt Nellie turned to Danielle. “Well, there isn’t
usually a prince that attends our balls, but we have a few
genuine Lords, Dukes, Marquis, Barons, and the like
from time to time.”
“Really?” Danielle asked just before Melanie could.
She wasn’t interested in anyone with a fancy title, but
the thought that they might actually meet one for real was
kinda fun to think about. England was full of nobility,
but Melanie doubted there would be many who would
come to a place like Twickenham Manor. A Regency
immersion week would definitely not be in their
approved activities.
“You’ll just have to wait and see what happens,”
Aunt Nellie said. “Come now, let’s get you to your
rooms. I think I’ll put you right next to each other.”
Danielle squealed with joy and Melanie smiled at her
enthusiasm. As she walked through the manor house, she
studied the decor and admired the different paintings.
Some had only one subject it in, while others were
couples or groups. Some were large enough to be life-size
while others were no bigger than the palm of her hand.
“You have a lot of portraits here,” Melanie said as
they continued on through the hallways.
“Oh, yes. It’s a hobby of mine,” Aunt Nellie said.
“You painted all these?” Melanie asked. “They are
so lifelike. Almost like a photograph.”
“Well, thank you,” Aunt Nellie said. “I have been
doing it for years, so I have gotten better over time.
Quicker too, which helps things.” She waved her hand to
hurry Melanie up and smiled cheerfully as Melanie
returned to her side. “I’ve got them all through the house.
Most of them are of those who come to visit me. Perhaps
I’ll be able to paint a portrait of you.”
“Hmmm,” Melanie said. “We’ll have to see.”
Nellie nodded. “Yes, we’ll definitely have to see.”
Never in her life had Melanie had as much fun as she
did the week at Twickenham. Danielle proved to be just
what she needed in a confidant. The other staff and
guests were fun to interact with, especially Annette Price,
a local girl that gave them all the tips and tricks to
remember how to act to fit into the time. And the men?
Sigh. Aunt Nellie hired amazing guys to play the parts of
the gentlemen in their Regency immersion experience.
All their manners and behaviors were just perfect.
Melanie knew she was in no danger of falling for any of
them. There was no spark, but she had fun flirting and
dancing and playing the games in the evenings with them.
She even started to get comfortable with carrying on
a conversation as if she really were in Regency England.
As the week drew to a close and they prepared for the
final ball on the night of the full moon, Melanie felt
unsettled. She wasn’t ready to go home to her same old
life. She wished there was some way she could stay for
another week and do it all again.
The clothes weren’t nearly as uncomfortable and
restrictive as they had felt that first day, and she vowed
to wear dresses a little more often. Not the empire
waisted ones common in Regency England, but
something a little more flowy and feminine.
Though when she’d first been fitted for the clothes,
she had seen some of the fuller skirts and bodices
common in the Victorian era. Danielle convinced
Melanie to try some on with her, and she wished she
would have picked the Victorian immersion experience.
Maybe she could do it next year. It would be something
worth saving up for.
For tonight, with the full moon just beginning to rise
above the hillside, she wore a white empire-waist dress
with a midnight blue overdress that made her feel lovely.
Her light hair was twisted in intricate braids and little
ringlets around her temple. She wore satin gloves that
reached her elbows. When she met Danielle outside the
door of her room, Danielle chattered, “Oh wow,
Melanie, you are stunning. I think if you really were a lady
of Jane Austen’s time, you could definitely wrangle out
an offer of marriage by the end of the night.”
Melanie laughed. “No, there will be no engagements
happening tonight. Or anytime soon for that matter. But
thank you. You look beautiful yourself.”
“Thanks. That Olivette is amazing. I wish I could
hire her to be my own personal assistant. She’s got some
talent with hair and makeup for sure. I feel like I’m not
even wearing any makeup, but I think it looks just right.
Don’t you think?”
“Perfect.” Melanie tucked her arm into Danielle’s.
“Shall we go?”
As they walked toward the grand staircase,
goosebumps covered Melanie’s arms and radiated to her
spine. As if she’d had a cold drink poured down her back,
she gasped in surprise only to find it turn to the most
delicious warmth she’d ever experienced.
“What was that?” Danielle asked.
“Just got a massive cold chill that turned warm. Did
you feel that?”
“A little,” Danielle nodded. “It felt like it came from
that way. Do you think there’s an open window?”
Melanie couldn’t think clearly. All she wanted to do
was feel that sensation again. She moved toward the
doorway that led to the upper floors.
“I don’t think we’re supposed to go up there,”
Danielle said.
Melanie only barely registered the words. She kept
moving forward as if pulled by some unseen string. She
followed the curving stairs, happy they were lit by small
lights that simulated gas lamps.
She pushed the door open and searched for a light
switch with the help of the dim light from the staircase.
Inside the room she found dozens of portraits. Some
were hung, but others looked like they had been just
placed against the wall until they were able to find their
right spot.
She vaguely registered that Danielle had followed
her into the room but had walked down the other side
studying the pictures, too. A light pink glow radiated
from one of the paintings. Melanie stepped closer to
study it better. When she stood in front of it, her eyes
scanned the image as her brain tried to understand what
she saw.
It was her, standing in front of a man whose face she
couldn’t clearly see. As if the painting hadn’t quite been
finished when it was placed there, but she was clear as
“Danielle,” Melanie said, half turning to get her
friend’s attention. “You’ve got to see this.”
“Just a minute. There’s something here I’m trying to
wrap my head around.”
“Is it a painting of you?” Melanie asked.
Danielle stood straight and turned around. “How
did you know?”
“There’s one of me right here.”
“No way,” Danielle said.
“Are you alone, or with someone?” Melanie asked.
“Alone. What about yours?”
“There’s a man, but I can’t see his face.”
“What does this mean?” Danielle asked.
“I don’t know.”
Before Melanie could say anything more, swirling
eddies of color and tiny pinpricks of light emanated from
the painting behind Danielle. “Look out!” she yelled, but
it was too late. Danielle had been surrounded by the light
and looked as if she was going to fall back against the
wall. Melanie tried to rush to her, but instead found
herself immobilized as the same light and color twisted
and pulsed around her until she turned toward the
painting. She could have sworn bright hazel eyes framed
by dark lashes met hers as she fell forward. Yet instead
of hitting the painting, or wall, or even the ground, she
found herself standing in the dark with only a hint of a
light from the door she and Danielle had just entered
moments before.
Her head pounded. Her stomach felt queasy.
Melanie carefully felt her way to the door, putting her
hands out in front of her and testing the floor for any
furniture that might trip her. When she reached the door,
she felt around for the light switch, but couldn’t find it.
“Danielle, are you here?”
Only silence met her question. Melanie needed to
find Aunt Nellie. She had to tell her that Danielle was
gone. How could she explain what she’d seen?
Melanie worked her way to the stairs and studied the
lights. They seemed different than before. On further
inspection, Melanie realized they were actual flames
instead of light bulbs.
“What on earth?” she asked. “What is going on?
Danielle!” Her voice rose in volume as concern filled her.
“Hello?” a deep voice from below spoke. “Is anyone
Melanie froze. Was it one of Aunt Nellie’s servants
or someone who had been invited to the ball that night?
She tried to turn and hurry up the stairs where she
had come from, but her foot got tangled in the long dress
and she felt herself go down. She managed to catch most
of her body but her knee hit hard, forcing a pained cry
from her lips.
The footsteps below quickened. Before she could
even stand up and prepare for the stranger below, she
found herself staring into the same eyes she swore she’d
seen moments ago.
“Are you all right, miss?”
“Uh,” was the only thing she could think to say as
she stared at him. He was perfection. Dark hair, tall and
robust without looking overly large and obsessed with his
physical appearance. He must be one of the guests only
invited for the final ball. Too bad he hadn’t been there
the whole week.
“Have you injured yourself?” he asked again.
“I, uh. No. I’m okay.” She tried to stand but her
stupid slipper was still trapped beneath the folds of her
dress. She only managed to get part way up.
The handsome stranger reached for her to help
steady her before she hit the ground. The moment his
hands touched hers, she prepared to defend herself from
unwanted contact. Instead, when he was sure she was
steady, he removed his hands and gave her a little space.
“I’m Jack Hughes Von Maughanhoe.”
“Melanie,” she said as she looked up at the top of
the stairs to see Aunt Nellie looking down at her with
“Oh, there you are, dear.” She met Melanie’s eyes
and wiggled her fingers at her as if to say hello, but
Melanie felt a little calmer. She no longer wanted to ask
what was going on.
“Jack, be a dear and go find Andrews for me. I’ll help
Miss Melanie up the stairs. I’m afraid she isn’t feeling well
after her travels here. Arriving so late and not feeling up
to mingling is just too bad. We’ll let her rest and I can
make the proper introductions tomorrow.”
Jack bowed and took a step backward down the
staircase. He met Melanie’s eyes once more. He bowed
in acknowledgment before turning to do what Aunt
Nellie had asked.
She watched him leave and then turned to find
Nellie had silently descended the stairs until she was right
next to her.
“I suppose you have a few questions.” Aunt Nellie
placed her hand on Melanie’s and patted it.
“Unfortunately, with the ball happening downstairs, I
don’t have time, which is ironic since I have all the time
in the world at my disposal.” She giggled. “Sorry, dear. I
don’t have time to explain what happened, but I’m going
to give you a cup of tea and some dinner in your room if
you’re hungry. I’ll come back soon to answer your
questions, but I’ll let Agnes explain some of it first. Now,
for the rest of the night, I’m going to have to ask you not
to leave your room.” Aunt Nellie patted Melanie’s arm
again, and Melanie felt herself agreeing with Nellie’s
When she got to the room, she eagerly accepted the
cup of tea and took a sip. Feeling instantly better, she
tipped her head back and drained the rest of it.
“Ah, good,” the woman who’d given it to her said.
“Now, let me first off start by saying, welcome to the year
of our Lord, eighteen hundred fifty-one.”
Get the entire Twickenham True Love Time Travel series, set in Victorian England, by award-winning author, Laura D. Bastian. This sweet Victorian Romance series contains over 470 pages of reading!
This offer is NOT available anywhere else.
Thousands of copies sold and over 175+ Five-star reviews on Amazon, and 120+ Five-star reviews on Goodreads. A great collection of historical romances!
What a wonderful story. Sometimes it’s hard to know if love is true love or not. What a way to find out who that person is and if he’s the right one. All the ups and downs it takes makes for a very enjoyable book. (Verified Amazon Customer)
I love time travel books and this one did not disappoint! It has a twist if you are expecting predictability! (Verified Amazon Customer)
Oh, What a wonderful story. I just love the sweet nature of each character's personality. It felt like I was right there in the midst of the whole book. (Verified Amazon Customer)
📘Melanie stood and stared down the man across the table from her. He raised his hands and waved them in a pacifying gesture as if that would cancel out his insinuations. “Come on, baby, don’t get all mad.”
“Don’t call me baby. You don’t even know me.” Melanie shouldered her purse and turned to walk away, but the guy grabbed her arm as she stood to keep her from leaving. Not wanting to cause a huge scene, she didn’t twist it and lock his elbow like she wanted to. Instead, she grabbed the full glass of water on the table and splashed it in his face. “Don’t touch me ever again. And lose my number. Got it?”
The guy sputtered but grabbed at her again. “Hey, that’s not nice.” His voice was deeper and more menacing than the earlier flirtations.
Using her self-defense training her late father had insisted she take throughout her high school years, she moved quickly and grabbed his wrist, pressing it back and forcing his elbow to bend backward to pin him in place. “Touching a woman against her will isn’t very nice either. Don’t do it again.” She jerked up, causing him to squeak in pain.
“Got it,” he muttered, and she let go. She grabbed his phone that he’d left on the table, walked it over to a waitress holding a pitcher to refill water glasses, and dropped it in. “I’m helping you lose my number,” she said over her shoulder. “Grow up and learn some manners.”
She continued out the door without looking back again. He wasn’t worth another thought. Melanie was tired of the same-old, same-old. She couldn’t stand the thought of dating another man who treated her like an object and expected to get whatever he wanted by putting in minimal effort. She wanted a real gentleman. Someone who knew how to treat a woman like a valuable person and not just a possession.
After flagging down a cab and climbing inside, she reached into her purse and pulled out the brochure she’d picked up at the library.
Twickenham Manor
Come experience Regency England in a full immersion environment. You’ll attend activities just like they did in the early 1800’s, including riding, hunting, dancing, dinners, and games.
Melanie continued reading through it, liking the idea more and more. Why not? she thought. It’s only for a week, and I deserve it. I’ve got enough money saved up. I could totally go on vacation myself. And her boss owed her a lot of time off since she’d covered for everyone else who’d gone on trips over Christmas. By the time she reached her apartment, she’d already reserved her spot at Twickenham Manor, texted her boss letting him know she’d be taking her time off, and had booked a flight. In less than a month she’d be in England. 📘
Main Tropes
- Second Chance Romance
- Friends to Lovers
- Victorian Romance
- Different Status
- Close Proximity
- Time Travel
- Strong Heroine
Books Included in this Bundle
- Love's Past: She never expected to find love in the present by visiting the past.
- There's Always Tomorrow: Her trip to England was planned... Falling into the past and finding true love was not.
- Only a Moment: She traveled more than a century into the past... then it took only a moment to fall in love.
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